August Bank Holiday Weekend IS Greenbelt. Sometimes it feels like the banks are closed in honour of it. For 19 of the last 21 last-weekend-in-Augusts I’ve spent my time in a field (til ‘99) or racecourse (the fest has been in Cheltenham for 11 years) engaged in four simple pleasures: soaking up great music encountering […]
Tag Archives: politics
The Future of Politics is Mutual
This is not a post about the things that are wrong with our world. This is a post about how we make them right. Of course it is not exhaustive, and by no means is it intended to be a detailed and flawless solution, in fact it openly admits that fact, because that (you will […]
Is accountability the new black?
Politicians and expense claims, musicians and music. How do we implement checks and balances to ensure that the standards are high? We don’t need more legislation, legalism to solve the issue…
More BNP-related Youtube genius…
Someone just tweeted a link to this blog post, featuring the following hilarious and brilliant video by Some Grey Bloke (me thinks I’ll be spending a lot of time on his youtube channel) – fantastic stuff –
Campaigning in a Social Media age…
It’s been really interesting to see the way that web has been used in the current run-up to the Euro-elections – both for straight campaigning, but also to challenge the claims in the campaigns… So The Straight Choice site have been scanning in as many political leaflets as they can find, and fact-checking them, and […]