Have finally started getting some AudioBoo stuff recorded at Greenbelt. (the embeds are looking a bit weird at the moment, but you can still play them by clicking the bit of the play button you can see at the far left hand side… will fix it ASAP) First up, a few of the Greenbelt tweeters […]
Author Archives: Steve
Gene Robinson at Greenbelt – live blog
I’m going to be live blogging Gene Robinson‘s interview at Greenbelt, which starts in a few minutes. (Live blogging a sermon is an odd experience, given the kind of language that’s used, but Gene’s a pretty unique dude, and a pivotal figure in so much of the dialogue around gay rights as well as more […]
What’s So Amazing About Greenbelt?
This year is my 17th Greenbelt. At 4 days a year, that’s over 2 months of my life spent either in a field – or on Cheltenham Racecourse – listening to music (and most years playing it to), listening to talks, seminars and debates, hanging out with friends – and meeting loads of new ones […]
Lloyd Davis. He’s Fabulous
Here’s a present from Lloyd for anyone who missed his set at Darbucka last night. Or indeed anyone who was there, and wanted to relive it (or send it to their friends to let them know not to miss him next time). We love Lloyd – it’s always such a treat to have him come […]
Imogen Heap’s album, Ellipse. Streaming Here.
Here, my friends, is Imogen Heap’s amazing new album, Ellipse. Embedded for your streaming pleasure. Why? Because she asked us to. 🙂 (*spoiler-alert* – it’s effing amazing) And now you can pre-order the CD or download here – http://www.imogenheap.com/preorder/
The Thinking Behind £1.40 Conference
I’ve long been baffled by the insane costs people will pay to go to business and technology conferences. For the same money that many of them cost you could hire a couple of leading experts in the field to come to your company and help you out with whatever it is that you’re working on. […]
Free Albums – Screw The RIAA
Having just read the story of Joel Tenenbaum, who has just been fined over $600,000 dollars for downloading 30 songs, I’m incensed by the insanity of the RIAA – the Record Industry Association of America. While it claims to be “the trade group that represents the U.S. recording industry. Its mission is to foster a […]
Could you Live Without Money?
Just found this article, via a music mailing list – basically about a dude who lives in a cave in Utah, with no money. He picks wild plants, occasionally eats insects, dumpster-dives in the nearest town… Fascinating story, with much food for thought…. I’m not sure the lesson is about living with nothing, as much […]
‘Green Shoots’ in the Music Industry, or Just Thriving Trees?
This article by Rory Cellan-Jones on the BBC site says that some new survey has told us that it’s not all bad for music… I’m not sure it’s ever been ‘bad’ at all, to be honest… CD sales are declining, but digital music costs so much less to manufacture and distribute that the crossover point […]
Is Three Hours Too Long For A Concert?
It’s all kicking off on Twitter today, after a comment I made about not wanting to watch anyone play for 3 hours. Which in turn was inspired by people commenting on how great it was that Springsteen did a 3 hour set in Hyde Park. Great? I’d be reaching for the tranquilizer darts, and start […]