iPad – Why Bad Marketing Is Worse Than Bad Product Design.

Of course I’m going to write a post about the iPad – isn’t it obligatory if you’re a blogger? First up, I need to say that I don’t really get the way that people feel affronted when a product falls short of their expectations. Crap products are made all the time, and in a supply […]

MP3s, eBooks, Digitizing and ‘The Experience’

So, the iPad is here – massive Dom Joly iPhone? half a laptop? eReader? The Daily Prophet for Muggles…? I read a couple of people on Twitter making claims that it was going to ‘kill books’. In response I tweeted this quote from Douglas Adams, which I got via Neil Gaiman: “Nothing is as good […]

“Rock And Roll Is Dead”: What Happens Next?

Nope, this isn’t a brainstorm on the future of the music industry. Well, at least, not directly. You’ve read my novel, right? If you haven’t, click here to read about it and download it for free. (probably best to go read it, then come back here to read the comments, as there may well be […]

RATM Christmas Follow-up: Was It A Fix?

I’ve started mentally drafting this a few times, but almost all of them just ended up with me reiterating everything I said in my ‘Futility Of Fighting Fire With Fire‘ post over on stevelawson.net. However, this evening, someone linked on Twitter to This blog post claiming that it was a campaign masterminded by Sony. And […]

Together We’re Louder – Campaigning In the 21st Century

Everything has changed. And the more things change, the more they stay the same. Every time a new technology comes along, its success is largely governed by the level to which it helps us to do what we’ve always wanted to do, but have previously been unable to do properly – or at least as […]

Bandcamp Directory For The Stevie-Connected

You may or may not have seen my post this morning about Bandcamp over at stevelawson.net. Since posting it, I’ve had lots of tweets from friends whose music is on it, so let’s start a directory of entries – post a link to your bandcamp page in the comments, with a little bit of info […]

Talking Art With @Artbizness at Greenbelt

Just had a fabulous 3 part Audioboo chat with Mike Radcliffe, AKA @artbizness off of the internets. Mike is both a very skilled and thoughtful artists (mixed media visual art and poetry mainly, but also music and video) and a fascinating thinker about art and the artistic process. We were joined at one point by […]

The Importance Of Social Media At Greenbelt

Ever been to something so great that mere words always felt inadequate to convey to those who hadn’t been there just how cool it was? Or had so many great experiences in a weekend that you bored the arse off anyone who dared to ask how it went? If you have, you’re on the way […]