Here, my friends, is Imogen Heap’s amazing new album, Ellipse. Embedded for your streaming pleasure.
Why? Because she asked us to. 🙂
(*spoiler-alert* – it’s effing amazing)
And now you can pre-order the CD or download here –

…it’s called ellipse, not eclipse. wow. =/
fixed – thanks, sorry, it’s late. V. late. 🙂
fantastic! thanks so much for streaming this here, will definitely get this album 🙂
Wow! OMG!! Blue Steel!!!!
haha! you should see my cheesy grin in the other one 🙂
Sounds great… and I love the player, too (I’m trying to figure out if the wave form shown bears a relationship to the song but it certainly looks more interesting than the standard progress bar).
I LOVE the soundcloud player -def going to do more with that ASAP!
woo! this will make GREAT working music. thanks friends!
Thanks to @tapps for linking this. Simply enchanting and every reason why I love her music.